A label view. Extends TextView GitHub地址:
A label view. Extends TextView GitHub地址:
explosive dust effect for views GitHub地址:
西瓜快传 仿照市场上的茄子快传 或者 360文件传输 在局域网内,如果没有局域网,接收方建立热点,发送发接入热点,进行文件(发送方的app、音视频、图片等文件) GitHub地址:
TabbedCoordinatorLayout is a Sample project demostrating the usage of TabLayout (ViewPager with Tabs) inside of CollapsingToolbarLayout all together in CoordinatorLayout GitHub地址:
Deprecated 使用Groovy开发的Gank.IO的Android客户端 GitHub地址:
ImageBrowseFragment like WeChat moments image transition on Lollipop.. GitHub地址:
InfiniteViewPager is a modified android ViewPager widget that allows infinite paging and auto-scrolling. GitHub地址: